Dry eye is a state wherein the tear produced in the eye cannot nourish and lubricate the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye (Frontal portion of the eyeball). This cause cornea and conjunctiva to become inflamed. The tear is important as the cornea of the human eye is avascular (contains no blood vessels). Dry eye is a chronic condition. The tear film is firmly distributed on the frontal surface with each blink of the eyelids. A tear may look like normal water but it contains multiple vitamins and minerals that help to feed the cornea and protect the eye with its antibiotics features. Too less or Too high secretion of the tear, both can be a problem.

The tear is secreted by multiple glands on the eyelids and conjunctiva. The tear is consists of 3 different layers. Aqueous (Contains water), Mucin (Contains Mucous), Lipid (Contains Oil).
The watery layer can get evaporated quickly due to wind or hot climate. This is the leading cause of dryness felt by patients. The lipid layer is secreted by Meibomian glands of the eyelid margin. The lipid layer protects the evaporation of the watery layer. Those people having inadequate watery layer are told to be having dry eye syndrome also called as KCS (keratoconjunctivitis sicca).
People with dry eyes can have many ocular problems. Many patients with dry eyes complain about these problems:
Symptoms of Dry Eyes
- Irritation and Foreign Body sensation while waking up at nights.
- Watering of eyes while watching tv or phones.
- Burning sensation in both of the eyes while reading books or while on computer.
- Blurred vision and mild headache.
- Insomnia due to pain
- White scar in the cornea and loss of vision.
- Scratchy and Gritty Feeling
Who is most affected?
- People with age over 60.
- Women due to the hormonal change during pregnancy, use of contraceptives, and Menopause.
- People on medications like antidepressants, High blood pressure, Antihistamine.
- People with arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorder, inflammation of eyelids(blepharitis), or meibomitis, eyelids turned inward or outward(entropion/ectropion).
- An external environment like smoke, dust, wind, cause a tear to evaporate quickly. Some people forget to blink their eyes while sitting on Computer/ Mobile phones, thus cause “Computer Vision Syndrome”.
- People with Lasik Surgery done( Correction surgery is done to those people who do not want to wear glasses)
How your eye doctor treats your dry eye conditions?
He/She will prescribe you artificial tear supplements. Adding tears without preservatives is recommended for those with mild dry eye complains. Doctors will plug your drainage hole called Punctum. The main aim is to conserve the natural tears in the eye and not let it flow out of the eyes.
Increasing tear secretion with food containing Omega-3. Treating the underlying condition to cure eyelid diseases and systemic diseases as well. For eyelid inflammation, warm compresses and eye ointment would cure the condition as prescribed by your eye doctor.
How to prevent or protect your self?
- Avoid using phones, tablets, or watching television or Computer for a long time. Do not forget to blink while working with these gadgets.
- Do not sit directly to the wind, Air-Condition, Cooler or Fan.
- Increase the humidity to prevent evaporation of the tear film.
- Wear sunglasses while you are outside of your house. It protects eyes from harmful rays of light, wind and dust.
- Nutritional fatty acids can help you with dry eyes. Consult your Eye doctor.
- Staying dehydrated means severe dry eye. Drink plenty of water to increase aqueous layer secretion in your eyes.
Artificial Tears
commonly available on Nepalese, Indian and South Asian Market are as follows. (Alphabetically ordered)
- Aurosol Eye Drops (HPMC 0.7%)
- Dudrop eye drops (Polyvinyl alcohol eye drops)
- Eyemist Eye Drops (HPMC)
- Glytears Eye Drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5%)
- Lubrex Eye Drop (CMC 0.5%)
- Moisol Eye Drop (HPMC)
- Moist Eye Drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5%))
- Moist Max eye drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 1%)
- Opcare Eye Drops (HPMC)
- Opsol Eye Drops (Polyvinyl alcohol eye drops)
- Optive Eye Drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5%)
- Refresh liquigel eye drop (CMC 1%)
- Refresh Tear Eye Drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5%)
- Relub Ds eye drops (CMC 1%)
- Relub eye drops (CMC 0.5%)
- Tear Drops Eye Drops (Carboxymethylcellulose 0.5%)
- Tear plus eye drops (Polyvinyl alcohol eye drops)
- V-Rohto Dry Eye Eye Drops (Hydroxyethylcellulose)
Do not use any medicine without getting advice from eye care practitioners.
Artificial tears in United States
- Refresh Lubricant Eye Drops
- Preferred Plus Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops
- Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops for Dry Eye Symptoms
- Thera Tears Lubricant Eye Drops
- Genteal Tears Lubricating Eye Drops
Nice information