Ophthalmic Science Course – CTEVT Nepal


Background of Ophthalmic Science Course

The government of Nepal has called for the provision of basic health care for all persons by establishing a network of services in remote villages and urban population centres. The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) has been contributing towards the development of the different level of health personnel. In this context, CTEVT has planned to produce a middle-level Eye Health Cadre Ophthalmic Assistant with a view to providing curative, preventive and promotive eye health services to the community.
Initially, this cadre of the human resource was used to certify through the CTEVT/Skill test department and considered as vocational training. This kind of certification though was catering for the immediate need of an eye care programme in the country, the trained ophthalmic assistant has a limited horizon to grow and a limited career ladder to upgrade themselves. This has contributed to the increasing demand of academic training which will allow them to grow further after completion of this certificate-level course. In this regards, the CTEVT has decided to start a certificate-level programme leading to a degree “Certificate in Ophthalmic Science” to the candidates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the CTEVT.
The trained Ophthalmic Assistant is a professional Ophthalmic Health Worker, who has been given three full years of training in Ophthalmology and related health sciences. The aim of this three years training is to produce compassionate mid-level ophthalmic human resource who can help and play an important role in the eye care delivery system within the hospital and in the community. The graduates would be eligible for registration with the Nepal Health Professional Council in the category as mentioned in the Act of the Council. The registered graduates would be then eligible for the job at different level health institutions to the position as prescribed by the Public Service Commission or the concerned authority.

Course Description

This course is based on the job required to perform by middle-level Ophthalmic health personnel at different level eye/health institutions in Nepal. The Certificate in Ophthalmic Science on Ophthalmology program extends over three years. The first year focuses on basic sciences and foundational subjects, the second on medical sciences, and the third year is given to the application of learned theory and skill development within comprehensive practice settings, both hospital and community.

Entry criteria

The entry criteria are:


  • SLC with a minimum of 45% in aggregate with English, Science and Mathematics as compulsory
  • subjects or as per CTEVT entrance policy
  • Candidates who pass SLC with optional Ophthalmology will be preferable
  • Should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
  • Final selection will be made on the basis merit list.
  • Candidates should submit the following documents at the time of application SLC pass certificate, Character certificate, Citizenship certificate (for the name, parents’ name, age, date of birth and address verification purpose only)
  • Student quota for different category of students as per the policy of CTEVT

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.

Course Duration

The Certificate in Ophthalmic Science (Ophthalmology) course extends over three academic years. One academic year consists of a maximum of 39 academic weeks and one academic week consists of a maximum of 40 hrs.


Pass Marks

The pass marks for theory and practical examinations are:
  • 40% in theory examination
  • 60% in practical examination

Grading System

The following grading system will be adopted:
  • Distinction: 80% or above
  • First division: 65% or above
  • Pass division: Pass aggregate to below 65%

Certificate Award

The council for technical education and vocational training will award a certificate in “Certificate in Ophthalmic Science (Ophthalmology)” to the candidates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the CTEVT.

Career Path

The graduates would be eligible for registration by the Nepal Health Professional Council, in the category as mentioned in the “Act of the Council”.The graduates shall be eligible for the position to work at a different level of Eye/Health institutions as appointed by the “Public Service Commission” or the concerned authorities.

Course Structure

First Year (Common for all Health Sciences Program)

  1. English
  2.  Nepali
  3. Social Studies
  4. Anatomy & Physiology
  5. Physics
  6. Chemistry
  7. Zoology
  8. Botany
  9. Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Application

Second Year

  1. Ocular Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Ocular pharmacology and pathology
  3. Systemic diseases related to eye
  4. Ocular Disorders
  5. Optics, refraction, Orthoptics and Low vision
  6. Investigative Ophthalmology
  7. Ocular Surgery
  8. Community Ophthalmology

Third Year

  • Health Management, basic health care and Health Education
  • Ocular Disorder II
  • Community Ophthalmology II
  • Low vision and Optical Dispensing
  • Clinical Practice (Hospital Based)* Vision, Refraction, Low Vision, Orthoptic, Ocular procedures and Investigations
  • Clinical Practice (Hospital Based)* Patient Examination and Diagnosis, Counseling, Ocular Anesthesia, Assist in Surgery, (Preoperative Postoperative Management) Sterilization
  • Clinical Practice (Diagnostic and Screening Camp, Surgical Camp, School Screening, District Eye Care Centre)

PCL Ophthalmic Science college in Nepal

CTEVT Affiliated institutions for PCL Ophthalmic Science Programs in Nepal are as follows.
  • Balaju School Of Engineering And Technology, Balaju, Kathmandu
  • Lahan Technical School/Sagarmatha Chaudhary Eye Hospital, Lahan, Siraha
  • Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh, College Of Ophthalmic Health Science, Banke
  • Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh, Lumbini Netra Bigyan Adhayan Sanstha, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi
  • Pokhara School Of Tourism And Hospitality Management, Phulbari, Kaski
  • Rapti Technical School, Dang
  • School Of Health Science, Bharatpur, Chitwan
  • Tilganga Eye Hospital, Kathmandu
These above 8 institutions have an individual maximum student capacity of 40 student/year.
Yearly 320 Ophthalmic science student is being trained in Nepal.

Download Ophthalmic Science Updated Curriculum: Click here

Ophthalmic Science students
Ophthalmic Science Students at Himalaya Eye Hospital, Pokhara during their clinical posting


  1. Rabin Thapa says

    Thank you for sharing great information about Ophthalmic science and colleges in Nepal. I would like to recommend these sites to all. Keep it update regularly.

  2. Birkha bhandari says

    I want to join my child in eye health care after see
    Exam what is the prosess about it.

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