Boost: Better Operative Outcomes Software Tool

Boost: Better Operative Outcomes Software Tool

A new Android application has been launched in world ophthalmology Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The congress held on 16-19 June 2018 has introduced the app for Monitoring and improving the surgical outcomes in Ophthalmologist Surgeons. The mobile app is simple, free, and easy to use. The name of the application is BOOST(Better Operative Outcomes Software Tool).

A cataract is the leading cause of blindness in the whole world. A cataract is responsible for 51% world blindness. Cataract can be treated to restore complete visual outcome, unlike other dangerous eye diseases. The best surgical outcome is also a key factor to determine the percentage of visual outcome which depends on different factors like Trained Ophthalmologist Surgeons, proper pre and on surgical equipment. Quality assurance is the most important thing to convince other blind person having the cataract for surgery.

Many patients in developing nations do not return for follow up after surgery. The BOOST app helps surgeons to keep tracks and records of those patients who return for follow up.
Cataract BOOST has been developed to address issues of measuring quality and recording cataract surgical information in a single, accessible place. BOOST was developed following a study published in Lancet Global Health including 40 hospitals in 12 low and middle-income countries, which demonstrated that measuring vision immediately after surgery is a valid indicator of quality.

BOOST guides users through simple steps to capture data the day after surgery, analyze their results and compare their performance against other users around the world. All data is anonymous and users can opt-out of sharing their data at any time. BOOST also automatically suggests tailored strategies to help further improve quality.

BOOST is free and available in seven different languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesia. The app can be downloaded at the Google Play Store by searching for BOOST Cataract.

Boost app cataract

The BOOST project was made possible by Seeing is Believing, Standard Chartered Bank’s global initiative to tackle avoidable blindness and visual impairment. BOOST was a collaboration between The Fred Hollows Foundation, Sightsavers, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, Orbis International, Aravind Eye Care Systems and the International Council of Ophthalmology.

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