Code of Ethics for Optometrist


Code of Ethics for Bachelor of Optometry

Published by Nepal Health Professional Council 
Published Date: December 2013


A. Introduction
B. Optometric education
C. Ethical standard for an optometrist
D. Role of optometrist in health care delivery
D.1 Optometrist’s responsibilities in health care delivery
D.2 Optometric treatment services
D.3 Ethics on the business aspects of optometry
D.4 Ocular Health Certificate
D.5 Research Activities
E. Summarized Scope of Practice of Nepalese Optometrists
APPENDIX: A Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents
APPENDIX: B Prescription of Pharmaceutical Agents
APPENDIX: C Systemic Diseases
APPENDIX: D Written Prescription
APPENDIX: E Ocular Procedures
APPENDIX: F Dispensing Aspects of Optometry
Code of Ethics for Optometry
Nepal Health Professional Council
The purpose of this document is to provide health professionals and the general public with an overview of the practice activities of the optometrist and how they relate to the needs of the public and to the activities of other health care providers.
“An optometrist is an independent eye care professional who specializes in the examination, diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of diseases and disorders of the visual system, the eye and associated structures. The optometrist is a primary contact health care practitioner who cares for the functionally inadequate visual system” – World Council of Optometry 
Optometrists practice independently or in group to provide services in the areas of spectacle lens therapy, contact lens therapy, low vision therapy, binocular vision therapy, occupational vision care, visual rehabilitation and eye diseases.
This document describes the key aspects of Optometry, beginning with optometric education and the optometric examination, Optometry’s role in primary care, treatment services, Professional communication, dispensing and social obligation.
Bachelor of Optometry (B.Optom) course has been accredited by Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) as A-level health profession. Doctor of Optometry (OD) and Bachelor of Optometry have been recognized worldwide as graduate degree in optometry. Graduated optometrists are entitled with prefix of doctor. The new institutions that emerge in the future for the production of optometrists should follow the rules and regulation and education standards as recommended by Nepal Health Professional Council. To practice Optometry in Nepal, a candidate must meet the requirements of the Act and Bylaws of minimum criteria of registration from Nepal health professionals Council’s authority. Once in practice, optometrists will be recognized as a specialist in specific areas of optometry according to continuing education courses they updated.
Specific areas: It defines the subjects in which optometrists continue the education for a minimum period of 3 months including distant learning. This includes fellowship, Postgraduate diploma, master course and PhD. e.g. Contact lens, ocular prosthesis, Low vision, Orthokeratology, behavioural optometry & vision training, community optometry, sports & occupational vision, orthoptics, therapeutic optometry etc. 
Details of Code of Ethics for Optometrist in Nepal
Code of ethics for Optometrist Code of ethics for Vision specialist Code of ethics for Optometrist NHPC Code of ethics Optometry code of ethics Responsibilities of Optometrist Code of conduct COE OPTOM Code-of-ethics-optometrist


The optometrist has responsibilities in the following areas:
I. Prevention
II. Health education
III. Health promotion
IV. Health maintenance
V. Diagnosis
VI. Treatment and rehabilitation
VII. Counseling
VIII. Consultation

Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC

Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC Scanned copy of Optometrist code of ethics NHPC

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