LASIK, SMILE Eye Surgery Cost in Nepal (Refractive Eye Surgery)

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LASIK eye surgery is the laser refractive surgery which is performed to correct refractive errors (Glass Problems). Few eye hospital is providing LASIK surgery service in Nepal.

LASIK Full form:

Full form of LASIK is Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis.
LASIK eye surgery changes the shape of the cornea to eliminate or reduce the need for glasses and contact lenses in cases of refractive errors.


SMILE (SMall Incision Lenticule Extraction) is a Laser vision correction beyond LASIK, a step towards flapless, minimally invasive laser correction. Among them PRK is first-generation, LASIK second generation and SMILE is the third generation. SMILE surgery has more advantage than LASIK. Now, most surgeons will perform SMILE surgery to correct refractive errors. 

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Nepal:

The cost of LASIK laser eye surgery in Nepal is starting from 65,000 to 100,000 approximate for both eyes depends upon the LASIK Surgery service providers.
In Nepal till May 2020, following eye centres, Hospitals are providing LASIK (refractive eye surgery services)
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Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology 

Tilganga Eye Hospital is the first eye hospital in Nepal that has started LASIK surgery Service. Tilganga’s Refractive Surgery Unit opened in January 2012 and offers the latest in laser technology for the correction of refractive errors.
As based on LASIK surgery information provided by Tilganga Institute of ophthalmology (Tilganga Eye Hospital) in their official website, “TIO is the first public hospital in Nepal to create a dedicated laser facility for the treatment of refractive error. Treatments include laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).
Tilganga’s Refractive Surgery Unit is most popular in Nepal as well as abroad, On November 2019, Nepalese Star Cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane went through LASER SMILE eye surgery at Tilganga eye hospital, Sandeep said that he was very satisfied with the treatment and was happy about choosing Nepal for treatment instead of abroad.
SAndeep lamichhane surgery
Nepalese Star Cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane at TIO Refractive Surgery unit with Dr Shashwat Dhungel.

Cost of LASIK/ SMILE Surgery at Tilganga:

The current cost of the surgery is 80,000 per person. Above this, you will be charged NRS 110 as a registration fee and Rs 3500 for Initial screening (consultation charges with the surgeon, optometrist, and all tests done within the department). If you need cross-consultation you will be charged as per the TIO price list. 
Updated: 08-09-2020
Contact Information: 
Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology:
Gaushala, Kathmandu
For an Appointment, call us at (+977) 1 4484573, 4484574 Extension no 602 to book your appointment for initial screening.

Matrika Eye Center, Kathmandu

Matrika Eye Center introduces advanced equipment for comprehensive eye care & management. It aims to provide quality care to needy patients. It has the latest investigating equipment which is used for the laser procedures including LASIK topography-guided Schwind Sirius and wavefront-guided Zeus ms-39 and presbyond treatments. Not everyone is fit for Smile and treatments differ according to the higher-order aberrations, Matrika also has Preamaris as one of the best higher-order aberration evaluations. 

Matrika eye center has been performing refractive surgeries from SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS for SmartSurface procedures which can be completed within 10 to 15 seconds and have both flap-less and flap-treatment procedures. The Schwind ATOS is the Femtosecond laser for Femtosecond Lasik and Smartsight (similar to the Smile procedure) surgeries. Matrika also has the Zeiss VisuMax for Femtosecond Lasik and Smile surgeries.

dr kishore raj pradhan
Refractive surgery was performed by Dr. Kishore Raj Pradhan, one of the leading Refractive Surgeons of Nepal. Image Source: Matrika Eye Centre


Cost of LASIK Surgery at Matrika Eye Center Nepal: The current cost of the surgery is 80,000 per person. Above this, you will be charged NRS 350 as a registration fee and Rs 3500 for Initial screening (consultation charges with the surgeon, optometrist, and all tests done within the department). If you need cross-consultation you will be charged as per the Matrika eye Center price list. 
Matrika Eye Center
Dhunge Dhara Marg, Ward no.9,
Old Baneswor Kathmandu, Nepal

NNJS, Biratnagar Eye Hospital

Biratnagar Eye Hospital is providing LASIK surgery service in eastern Nepal.  Since its start, in September 2006 Biratnagar Eye Hospital has progressed into an eye hospital widely recognized for delivering affordable high-quality eye care services to the economically poor and under-privileged people of the community.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Biratnagar Nepal: Starts from 63,000 + (Please contact the respective hospital for the recently updated surgical cost and more information.)


Contact Details
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh
Eastern Regional Eye Care Programme
Biratnagar Eye Hospital
Rani, Biratnagar-13

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Last updated date: 13 June 2022

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