Dr. Sanduk Ruit’s trail in search of blindness

SEED Contact Lens

Trail to Siwa village, Panchthar, Nepal in Search of blindness.

Dr. Sanduk Ruit is one of the Co-Founders of Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology. He has cure avoidable blindness from more than 100,000 People having Cataracts. His technique has been a successful way to cure blindness in an inexpensive way. Because of him, Cataract surgery was made easily available to the people living in extreme remote parts of world. People living in developing Countries were under-previleged while Dr. Sanduk Ruit has been Working as “God of Sight” to all the people around the globe suffering from blindness. His work in reduction of burden of blindness is  Commmendable. With the help of Dr. Fred Hollows and Dr. Sanduk Ruit, Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology Opened a Intra Ocular Lens Manufacturing laboratory in Tilganga Institute Kathmandu where very Inexpensive IOL are manufactured and exported all around the globe.
Among the many Remote visits of Dr. Sanduk Ruit, here is a one, where he traveled for straight 3 days to make house call in the Village of Siwa, Panchthar of eastern Nepal. We bring to you the short version of a documentry on sanduk Ruit. To view the full Documentry, Click the video below.
Direction- Stefano Levi

Short Versioned- Eyehealthnepal


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