SEED Contact Lens


‘Optometry is a healthcare profession that is autonomous, educated and regulated (licensed/ registered), and optometrists are the primary healthcare practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refracting and dispensing, detection/diagnosis and management of disease in the eye, and rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system,’ as defined by the World Council of Optometry (WCO).


The examination should be conducted with multiple-choice questions (MCQs) having three plausible options and one correct option.

There should be 100 MCQs that have to be answered within 2 hours. The pass marks should be 50% of the total questions. The 50% questions should be arranged in such a way that a candidate must know the answer to these questions.



1. Basic Science and Organ Systems (5)
2. Ocular Anatomy and Physiology (10)
3. Physiologic and Geometric Optics (3)
4. Visual Science (10)
5. Ocular Disease (7)
6. Diagnostic and investigative optometry(10)
7. Ophthalmic and Dispensing optics (10)
8. Pediatric Optometry and Binocular Vision (10)
9. Contact Lens and ocular prosthesis (10)
10. Low Vision and visual rehabilitation (10)
11. Community optometry (5)
12. Geriatric optometry and vision care (4)
13. Research Methodology and Biostatistics (3)
14. Ethics in Optometry (3)

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Source: Nepal Health Professional Council



Diagnostic and investigative optometry(10)

This section should cover related to diagnosis and investigation performed in eye. They includes

  • measurement of visual acuity at distance and near
  • Examination of peripheral and central visual field by available and reliable techniques
  • Examination of color vision
  • Slit lamp biomicroscopy alone or with the aid of external lens system
  • Ultrasongraphy
  • Interferometric examinations
  • Schiemflug examination,
  • LASER examinations
  • Ophthalmic and optometric Imaging
  •  Electrophysiological tests.
  • Techniques and principle of determination of refractive error for distance and near and
    assessment of accommodative apparatus.
  • Topographic & Tomographic examination
  •  Specular &Confocal Microscopy


Ethics & Practice Management in Optometry(3)

This section should cover

  • National health system
  • National eye health policies
  • Practice management
  • Legal issues related to the practice
  • Registration and governance of clinical practices
  • Professionalism and communication
  • Code of conducts of health systems and councils of Nepal.
  • And standards of practice, standards of dispensing visual products.
  • Currents trends in Optometry Practice

Please download full pdf. Link is above.

1 Comment
  1. BINJU Adhikari says

    I have been completed my studied in opthalmic science in 2019 due to my family problem i couldnot able to came ktm and i became late but now we have to give exam for license when our exam will held?how can i register in NHPC OR CTEVT?

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