What is Phacoemulsification surgery? Cataract surgery cost in Nepal

SEED Contact Lens

A cataract is an opacity/clouding of the human crystalline lens inside the eye. In cataract surgery, the cloudy cataractous lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to restore clear vision. Cataract surgery usually does not require an overnight stay in Hospital.


Phacoemulsification is the type of extracapsular cataract extraction surgery. It is the modern cataract surgical technique by which cataract is broken into small pieces and removed from the eye using ultrasound with the help of a  phaco machine. After removing the cataract, The Intraocular lens will be implanted inside the eye to see clearly.

Benefits of Phaco Surgery

  • No hospitalization needed
  • Smaller incision, Less Incision related complication
  • Lesser induced astigmatism because of a small incision.
  • No suture required, no irritation, no watering and no need for suture removal
  • Faster healing
  • No bandages minimal precautions.
  • No restriction on normal activities. Can join work from the next morning.
  • Fast recovery of good vision in a matter of days.
  • Quick visual rehabilitation.

Cataract surgery cost in Nepal

Phacoemulsification cataract surgery is performed at all major eye hospitals of Nepal and in some of the reputed private eye clinics also. The cost of cataract surgery depends upon the patient’s intraocular lens choices, In a non-governmental organization ran a hospital in Nepal It generally starts from NRs 10-12,000 includes surgery cost and regular foldable IOLs and in private clinics, it may cost higher. The surgery using Femto Second laser, using premium Intraocular lenses like multifocal, Toric IOL cost higher for surgery. So for the exact surgical rate, you have to contact hospitals or with your eye doctors.

SICS Cataract Surgery Vs Phacoemulsification

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