Topic-wise program details of WOC 2020:
- Full Program by Topic
- Cataract and Lens Surgery
- Contact Lens and Refraction
- Cornea, External Eye Diseases, and Eye Banking
- Cutting Edge Ophthalmology
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Eye Care Delivery
- Glaucoma
- Interdisciplinary
- International Eye Care
- Medical Retina
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Ocular Imaging/Artificial Intelligence
- Ocular Trauma
- Ophthalmic Education
- Ophthalmic Epidemiology
- Ophthalmic Oncology
- Ophthalmic Pathology and Microbiology
- Ophthalmic Pharmacology
- Orbital, Oculoplastic, and Lacrimal Diseases
- Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
- Refractive Surgery
- Surgical Retina
- Uveitis
- Vision Rehabilitation
Program Features:
- Live keynote sessions
- Online question and answers
- Over 2,000 talks from world experts
- Virtual industry exhibition
- All sessions for up to 3 months
Meet the Faculty from Nepal
- Dr Chunu Shrestha
- Dr Rohit Saiju
- Dr Sabina Shrestha Bijukachhe
- Dr Sanyam Bajimaya
- Dr Suman Thapa
Registration fee of WOC 2020:
- Ophthalmologist Member of ICO Member Society: $275
- African Ophthalmologist: $175
- Non-member Ophthalmologist: $325
- Medical Doctor/Optometrist /Scientist: $225
- African MedicalDoctor/Optometrist/Scientist: $175
- Allied Eye Health Professional: $85
- All medical doctors, ophthalmologists and scientists in training (students, residents and fellows) SPECIAL STUDENT RATE: $85