In 1948 “World Health Organization” was Founded where there were no specific activities for the prevention of blindness. From 1950, WHO directed its attention to the blinding disease called Trachoma. Mass health education, tetracycline distribution, and surgical correction of the trichiasis were initiated by WHO. In 1950, the British Empire Society for the Blind was founded in the United Kingdom and begins blindness surveys in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and in East and Central Africa and showed a shocking magnitude of blindness prevalent in the world. In 1952, WHO calls an Expert Committee on Trachoma. In 1961, The International Eye Foundation is founded in the United States by John Harry King, Jr., M.D., whose primary purpose is teaching with a mandate of the prevention and cure of blindness worldwide. In 1962, Sir John Wilson proposes a fusion between the Committee for the Prevention of Blindness of the World Council for the Welfare of the Blind and the Association for the Prevention of Blindness.

With the encouragement of WHO, the Association was transformed into the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness(IAPB) on January 1, 1975. Since its founding, the IAPB as a consortium of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and national committees within more than 60 countries has directed efforts toward mobilizing resources, increasing public awareness, supporting sight conservation programs, and implementing WHO health-care strategies aimed at blinding diseases.
VISION 2020: Finally, The Right to Sight – the Global Initiative for the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness by the year 2020 was formally launched from W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva on February 18th, 1999.