2000-2004: No WSD theme
2005: The Right to Sight
2006: Low Vision
2007: Vision for Children
2008: Fighting Vision Impairment in Later Life
2009: Gender and Eye Health
2010: Countdown to 2020
2011: No WSD theme
2012: No WSD theme
2013: Universal Eye Health
2014: No more Avoidable Blindness
2015: Eye care for all
2016: Stronger Together
2017: Make Vision Count
2018: Eye Care Everywhere
2019: Vision First
2020: Hope In Sight
The Theme for this year
The theme for World Sight Day 2021 is Love Your Eyes.

Aim of this event:
- To raise public awareness of issues surrounding blindness and visual impairment.
- To influence Governments, and in particular Health Ministers to participate in and donate funds to blindness prevention programmes.
- To educate about blindness prevention.
International Key Messages
- 1.1 billion people experience vision loss primarily because they do not have access to eye care services.
- Over 90% of those with vision loss live in low- and middle income countries.
- 73% of people with vision loss are over 50 years old.
- 55% of people with vision loss are women.
- The number of people with vision loss will rise from 1.1 billion to 1.7 billion people by 2050, mainly due to population growth and population ageing.
- Unaddressed poor vision results in a global economic productivity loss of $411 billion per annum.
- Over 90% of vision loss could have been prevented.