First All Nepal Optometry Conference to be held in October

As based on the official website of the “First All Nepal Optometry Conference” Nepalese association of optometrist is going to organize 1st All Nepal Optometry conference for all eye care professionals including Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, MD-Residents, Ophthalmic Assistants, Optical Dispensers, Optometry/Ophthalmic science students and all the ophthalmic industry stakeholders. 
The theme of the first conference is “Optometrists forANOC Accessible Eye & Vision Care” ANOC 2018 anticipates around 300 industry stakeholders and more than 50 optometrists and distinguished speakers presenting their research work and clinical cases.
The motives of the conference are to aware optometry among the general public and health professionals, stipulate the roles of optometry in preventing blindness and visual impairment, provide evidence-based knowledge to optometrists nationwide and impart the latest developments in patient care focused on optometry methods. The conference will provide a national platform for the exchange of ideas, technologies, and knowledge in optometry eye and vision care thereby enhance the standard, quality and reach of eye care in all the provinces of the country.
The First Conference of Optometry will be a two-day conference (5-6 October 2018) at the Hotel Malla, Kathmandu, Nepal

  1. Unknown says

    Please All of us be informed that the venue of the event is now changed to The Malla Hotel, Lekhnath marg, Linchaur, kathmandu. Dear admin if it is possible please change the picture with the new hotel details.
    Thank you

    Dr. Amit kc
    OD, B.Optom
    Nepalese Assoication of Optometrists
    Region – 5

  2. EHN says

    Thank You for your information. Now we had updated it.

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